As I walked with my eldest daughter Sophie, who is 5yrs old, I was amazed and inspired by her youthful joy and innocence with life.
A busy Saturday afternoon, we were walking to our local Sainsbury’s to get some ‘bits n bobs’ and she just merrily skipped ahead of me, weaving through the crowd but turning around and smiling every so often to make sure I was there and smiling back.
It was a moment where we were both present and connected; a beautiful memory was created.
It made me think about when we LOSE this innocence and the joy of life. When do we become so self-conscious and stop ‘skipping’ in life because we’re afraid of looking silly, of what the cynics, the critics, and the haters may say.
We’re only here for a short time, we need to learn how to skip again. Relax. Have some FUN.
We allow ourselves to get so overwhelmed with life; we get so stressed and anxious about a lot of stuff which is either our own bullshit we believe or we’re worrying about stuff that is outside of our control or hasn’t even happened yet (and probably won’t).
Worrying is like praying for something you don’t want.
I can’t recall who said that but I like it.
And instead of dealing with the negative stuff properly (ie asking for help), we just sedate ourselves through life with anything from drugs, alcohol, smoking, junk food, shopping, gambling, sex, porn, crap relationships, crap telly, video games, gossip magazines, excessive phone use, social media etc
For me, I will keep doing all I can to ensure I’m actually LIVING and enjoying being ME and enjoying the life I have CREATED. And that my own daughters are able to do the same. Keep skipping ya’ll.
So stop, relax, appreciate all the good things you have, stop focusing on the bad or what you haven’t got, and show some gratitude.
Schedule some fun in your life, NOW, don’t say “I’ll do it tomorrow” because you’re too busy.
Schedule TIME with your loved ones, be there and BE PRESENT– put the phone down, turn it off. Schedule a date night, do the school run, have lunch or coffee dates. Don’t forget your hobbies and a holiday.
And don’t forget you; YOU are your BEST ASSET. So look after yourself, eat well, hydrate, sleep well, exercise, meditate, be positive & grateful, keep learning and growing. And GIVE, help others.
Pay someone a compliment every day, even a stranger. Show your appreciation for others.
Try doing a RAOK. A random act of kindness.
And laugh. Everyday. Laugh hard until you’re crying- you’ll feel great.
Look out for me then, a 41yr old ginger bearded fella, just smiling and having a cheeky skip!

Helen Holmes Photography, fantastic local artist
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