It really is as simple as….
We have all CREATED the life that we are living today.
Your thoughts, beliefs, values, words, behaviours, habits, routines, reactions, environment – all yours.
Yes, there are things that are outside of our control, shit happens and life seems unfair at times BUT we can choose how we feel about it, how we think and how we act. This in itself creates a monumental shift in what happens next.
So, if you are unhappy or dissatisfied with something in your life, then you have the power to change this. Make things better.
It really is as simple as A, B, C.
A = Acceptance. Accept where you are right now and celebrate getting there – you’ve worked hard, you’ve done well so don’t beat yourself up okay. BUT know that you’re not 100% fulfilled or satisfied. Understand that things can be better and only YOU have the POWER to change this. Don’t dwell on the past, put your efforts into creating your new future.
B = Behaviours. Your new behaviours, your habits and routines, coupled with your thoughts and beliefs will bring you the improvements you desire. Do something different to get different results.
C = Commitment. Simply commit to doing the WORK, even when you don’t want to. This is ‘Interested’ versus ‘Committed‘. When you’re only interested, you’ll do the work when it’s convenient, when you can be bothered, when it feels easy, when you’ve got time. When you’re committed, you DO THE WORK every single day, no matter what, no excuses, you get up, dress up, show up and do the work.
ABC – keep it simple.
Remember to ask for help if you need it too.
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