by dean | Jun 16, 2018 | Testimonials
Gary very kindly offered to come and speak to a group that I help organise – Pudsey Adults with Time to Spare (PATS). I suspect that we are not his usual target audience (mainly aged 60 plus and mostly women). Gary told us his story in a refreshingly direct, engaging and unpatronising way that went down very well with the group. His message that while change can be uncomfortable and habits hard to break it can also be your ‘best friend’ is a timely one at any stage of life. I’m sure his talk will provoke some interesting conversations within PATS.
by dean | Apr 4, 2018 | Testimonials
I invited Gary McKendrick to speak at FRESH Networking. Gary was engaging and inspiring and the audience were captured by his honest account of his past. The attendees left with the tools to manage their time better and to kick start their business for new financial year. If you are looking for a motivating and passionate guest speaker for your event look no further than Gary McKendrick.
by dean | Mar 29, 2018 | Testimonials
“After seeing Gary at the Health Champion Awards at Christmas 2017 we were keen to run our own Wellbeing Motivational Event, due to the high-pressured environment that we work in. Gary offered his time to be our guest motivational speaker and due to our environment, our colleagues had not experienced such an event before this.
Gary’s clear message “we make the life we live, and if you don’t like it change it” related to a lot of colleagues. The raw reality and his brutally honest approach captivated staff and made them analyse their lives. For example, are they happy and if not, why not? What can be changed and how people could do this.
Gary is inspirational, uplifting and full of life. His passion and delivery has spurred life into our office and has been a good talking point. I would recommend other companies to take the opportunity to hold a similar motivational event”.
Amanda Mains, DWP Wellbeing Team
by Gary McKendrick | Jan 9, 2018 | Testimonials
“While attending the Sunderland Health Champions Awards in December 2017, I was fortunate to hear an inspiring and motivational talk from guest speaker, Gary McKendrick. Having not attended such a talk before, I was sceptical of how beneficial it would be. However, Gary was so real, inspiring and conveyed in such a true personal way that my scepticism was quickly dispelled.
The use of personal experience and theory give an excellent mix of thought-provoking and self-awareness. This vividly allowed the audience to self-reflect. I left the event feeling invigorated;
I would suggest if you have the opportunity to attend a talk by Gary you make every effort to attend”.
Amanda Mains | Operational Excellence Directorate | Department for Work and Pensions
by Gary McKendrick | Jan 8, 2018 | Testimonials

I invited Gary along to our Sunderland Health Champions celebration event in December 2017 as our guest speaker.
His passion shone through and everyone in the room left feeling inspired from the events of Gary’s life.
It was a great talk and I would recommend Gary to attend any function and I would not hesitate to work with him in the future.
Jemma Hutchinson
Business Support Manager
Washington Mind, Sunderland, NE38 7LP
Charitable Incorporated Organisation – 1156010
by dean | Jul 25, 2017 | Testimonials
Gary is the burst of energy who guides and listens to you. Being a business owner can be frustrating and having the a person you can trust and talk through the day to day frustrations can clear the fog and get you back to your and understand your goals
Stuart Redshaw
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