Your current effort is what determines your results. In every area of your life.

What you do very frequently, habitually, consistently, gives you either the results you do want or don’t want.

Consider the current state of:

• your health, fitness, flexibility, strength, and body shape

• your career and prospects,

• your energy and confidence,

• your relationships with your partner, your kids, your family, your friends, your colleagues

• your overall happiness and fulfillment in life

The killer questions are:

1. Are you happy with your current state?
2. Are you making progress, or going backward/getting worse, or simply maintaining a level you’re not happy with.

It’s crucial to be fully aware that only YOU can get the results you want.

For example, joining a gym and working with a PT is all good, the intentions are all there but the PT won’t do the actual exercise for you, and he won’t be there to put you to bed early and get you up on time to get to the gym, he won’t sweat and be in pain for you, he won’t be there at mealtimes to make sure you aren’t eating crap.

And that new job opportunity you took, you promised you’d give it your all, that you’re the right person for the job, that you will exceed all expectations. Your first month goes well, you’re in the honeymoon period, you want to impress but you soon relax a little too much and coast along, the effort dwindles. And you wonder why the prospects dwindle too.

Everything you have in life is in direct correlation to the effort you put in.

You need to put in real effort, consistently. Otherwise, you’ll hide behind excuses and make no progress anymore.

To excel in any area of life takes being consistent. Doing it despite your mood.

Anyone can be intense for a short period of time, such as a 6-week gym program, a 3month fad diet plan, a last-minute surge for a work project, or before you go on holiday. Intensity is a useful tactic but Consistency is Key.

Our habits are a consistent thing. But are our habits slowly killing us or are they slowly creating something to be proud of?

We should live as an example to others, as opposed to a warning to others.

A crucial step is to be aware of the dreaded plateau.

You will naturally hit this. Those new habits, that extra effort, that intensity will at some point become the norm, it will stop acting as a big stressor to your body & mind.

If you stay in the plateau, are you maintaining a good state that you’re happy with, or is it still a state you want to improve on?

How many people have gone to the gym for YEARS, yet don’t look like they do? I always wonder what they’d look like if they didn’t go to the gym. Worse or the same?

How many people have done the same job for 10yrs or longer yet don’t climb the career ladder?

Your efforts should give you a good return on investment.

A stockbroker doesn’t allow a plateau for years or diminishing returns on your investments.

So pay attention.

Recognise the plateaus so you can adapt and keep making progress.