People are strange

Your worst supporters are often the people who you’d expect to be your most avid fans of your new chosen ‘thing’.

Your thing could be:

  • A new hobby or interest
  • A new partner
  • A new job
  • A new career or business
  • A new life decision to lose weight,
  • Or to get fitter, leaner, stronger, healthier, and happier
  • Or to eat healthier, cut out those takeaways
  • Or to stop smoking
  • Or stop doing drugs
  • Or to drink less, or even become sober

Whatever your thing is, you must be prepared for the peer pressure of those close to you to want you to actually continue to be the old you.

I know, crazy huh? Why aren’t they supporting you? Why would they not want to see you heading in a new direction?


Perhaps they don’t want to feel left behind.

Perhaps they don’t want to feel like they’re inferior because you’re choosing not to behave as they do.

Perhaps they’re scared of seeing you change and they think they might lose you as you drift apart.

Perhaps they don’t want a mirror held up to themselves to see how their own bad habits are negatively affecting their own lives.

Perhaps they too want to change but they lack the discipline to do so.

Perhaps they feel safe in their comfort zone based on ease and convenience.


Whatever the reason, it’s useful for you to know that you may receive criticism rather than applause for your new thing.  Then if/when you do, you aren’t surprised or upset and you can try to understand why they may be acting a certain way.

Change is sometimes a lonely place but just silently get on with it.

Have the courage to say NO.

Do not allow their insecurities to drag you back down to a place that you no longer wish to be anymore.

It’s like the bucket of crabs analogy – when one crab finds his way to the top and is about to get out, the other crabs pull him back down into the bucket again, instead of offering a helping hand to get him out.

As The Doors song goes, “People are strange…”

Keep going, have a conversation with them, lay down your new ground rules, and don’t cave in to their peer pressure.

Worst case, you will have to cut some ‘friends’ out of your life, or if it’s family then limit time spent with them.

Don’t allow anyone to derail your efforts.

And should you succumb to temptation, that’s okay, it becomes part of your journey, you only have to get it right once remember.

The Secret Sauce

Success is easy!!

So it seems success is built upon doing these things every day, all the guru’s, the coaches, the elite, are doing it..
Your success is built upon your morning routine.
So to fast track all your desires and dreams you must do all these things every day:
  • Get up at 5am, after having gone to bed at 9pm
  • Have a cold shower
  • Drink a pint of room temperature filtered water with sliced lemon
  • Take your multi-vitamin and supplements
  • Meditate for 22mins
  • Do Wim Hof breathing for 12mins
  • Drink a green sludge smoothie whilst watching the sunrise
  • Visualise your goals for 5mins
  • Hit the Gym for strength training 22mins
  • Then cardio training 22mins
  • Then yoga for 22mins
  • Have an ice bath
  • Then go cold water swimming in the sea or your local lido
  • Have a warm shower & dress to impress
  • Eat a vegan breakfast
  • Declutter your workspace
  • Journal about gratitude or something
  • Read a book
  • Listen to a podcast
  • Plan your day
  • Get out in nature for a walk
  • Pay someone a compliment

Now it’s 3.30pm, you should get to work!!

The secret sauce is there is no secret; it just boils down to knowing what you want then putting in the effort to achieve it, committing to the work and doing it regardless of your mood. And waiting, it takes time.

It MIGHT involve doing SOME of those things listed but it doesnt have to so dont feel like you must.

Find the things that make you have a better day and be more productive and nicer to be around.

Which is really just sticking to the basics of sleeping well, eating well, hydrate, exercise, enjoy some silence, breathe properly, control your emotions and GET TO WORK.

You’re welcome.