Back To Basics

What to do when life becomes chaos or you’re just not happy with your results?

You’ve just got to get back to basics.

You have to re-align yourself and think about your current thoughts, attitude, habits and behaviours and how these have/are affecting your results in life.

B = Behaviours 
A = Attitude 
S = Smile 
I = Invest
C = Courage
S = Solitude

Behaviours: you are in charge of how you react: your words, your tone, your volume, your actions, your reactions, your habits. Your behaviours should serve you well not create more chaos or results you don’t want. Think about your actions and consequences. Have you got good daily routines? How are your social & communication skills? Do they improve your circumstances, do they make you better off in health, wealth, love & laughter, do they nurture relationships, do they solve problems?

Or are you just angry at life? Responding in anger or apathy will not lead to positive outcomes. A persons anger can often be in direct proportion to their level of insecurity. Worth considering.

Attitude: you choose how you show up. A good positive can-do attitude will help you improve your situation. It’s okay to feel negative about something but you choose how long for and what you will do about it. Don’t just sit on the pity potty. Deal with any problems, have that awkward conversation. Just believe in yourself because you can do it.

Smile: just smile. It’s easy. Try it. Others will naturally smile back. Say “good morning” and smile to strangers. You might make their day. And you’ll feel better.

Invest: invest in yourself. You are the most important person. Self-care. Self-love. Self-confidence. You must be on point to be able to do your best and give your best. Do all these things very well: sleep, hydrate, eat, exercise and educate.

Courage: what got you here won’t get you there. Have the courage to change, try new things to get new outcomes. Take the first step. Take a leap of faith. Believe in yourself, it is possible, you are able and you deserve it.

Solitude: some alone time is vital to your wellbeing. Peace and quiet to think, to write, to learn. Create some alone time in your daily schedule. Start with your mornings, have some calm time to prime and ready yourself for your day. Then evening time to decompress and reflect on your day. Then schedule time to ‘date’ yourself, have coffee, or lunch, a cinema trip or your hobbies. Just learn to love spending time alone doing something just for you.


Sweat to happiness

You are only ever one workout away from being in a better mood.

Whatever mood you’re in, exercising will make it better.  Fact.

Always remember that especially when you’re feeling low, sad, grumpy or lonely. Get your gym kit on and just exercise, yes it’s hard work but the benefits afterwards are so worth it.

Get some form of exercise into your morning routine. I’m not a highly energetic person first thing in the morning but coffee + gym = Gary happy and ready for a productive positive day.

I used to rely on alcohol to change my state, to lift my mood. Whatever mood I was in, a good day, bad day, average day, alcohol would make it better.  Well, the gym is like that for me now.  Far healthier too of course.

So just try it. You might just like it.

Remember, what got you here, won’t get you there.