by dean | Jul 19, 2017 | Testimonials
I help others by way of Business Coaching and Motivational Speaking. Having once been crippled with fear over public speaking, one of my key talks is about overcoming our fears and limited self-belief.
In June 2017, I spoke to students at the Tyne Met College in Newcastle which was very well received. Tracy O’Neill, Learning Mentor said:
“Wow! Our learners were so impressed, as too were the staff regarding your speech today. The learners related to your real personal life story and thoroughly enjoyed your presentation. All feedback was positive with some very rewarding comments regarding your motivation and enthusiasm. We would like to say thank-you so much for your visit Gary and for sharing your valuable time with our learners.
If possible we would be greatly appreciative to welcome you back in the new academic year for our new cohort of learners.
Many thanks once again, I am positive by reading the learners comments that you have inspired quite a few from the group today to be more self-motivated to achieve. Well Done!”
Tyne Metropolitan College
by dean | Jul 19, 2017 | Testimonials
“Gary’s passion for his subject matter linked with real life experience is both refreshing and thought provoking.
Find some time to see Gary in action, you will not be disappointed”.
Dennis Chadwick-Rayner
Whole in 1 Golf Ltd
by dean | Jul 19, 2017 | Testimonials
Gary delivered a thought provoking presentation on his approach to life in general told from a very personal perspective. Gary’s story was an inspiration and his message described just how important the choices we make in life can affect not just our working life but also our health and wellbeing. Just some of the phrases he delivered which made us think :-
- Life can just slap you!
- 3Cs of life – take a Choice to take a Chance to make a Change
- Never stop learning!
- Time is a great healer
- Have a plan!
- Think- Are you in a Rut?
- Identify changes you need to make
- Fix yourself before helping others
- We all have 2 lives – one we are living now – one we are capable of living !
- Think NOW
- Think NIKE – Just Do It
- Don’t be a busy fool
- Focus your time – don’t get distracted – don’t hold pointless meetings!
Phil Watson
HSE Manager, Training 2000
by dean | Jul 19, 2017 | Testimonials
“Gary and I met, whilst Gary presented an inspirational and motivational presentation to a variety of Apprentices. All of whom were from various backgrounds and of varies disciplines, within Learning Curve at Middlesbrough.
Gary doesn’t hold back, he is a straight talking no – nonsense guy, who immediately grabs your attention with his vibrant persona. He immediately relates to all peer groups, and immediately engages and shares with you his personal life stories. He describes his stories and events with heart felt passion and brutal honesty! Regarding all of the personal ups, and at times severe downs, he has personally experienced!
Gary concluded his journey pathway with descriptive examples of how he set out to personally achieve his set targets and goals, and he shares with his audience his outcomes and how he strove to gain such success. If you don’t feel motivated by the end of his session you never will!!”
Pauline Harbron. Director & Training Consultant of:
Arete Health & Safety Training Ltd.
by Gary McKendrick | Jul 17, 2017 | Blog

Hating Monday’s = I hate my job.
If this is you then you seriously need to change things.
Assuming you’re going to work for 50 years (aged 20 to 70), then that’s 2600 Monday’s you’re going to hate. All these Mondays equates to just over 7 years of your life! Time is so precious, we should not be wasting it on anything that we dislike or be spending it with people we dislike.
Just think, at the end of each day that you’ve spent hating, that’s one less day of your life left – what a waste.
YOU have created this life that makes you hate Mondays. So why not create a new life. Do something you’ve always wanted to do. You can find a job which you enjoy, makes you feel valued, fulfilled and with people you enjoy spending time with.
So what are you going to do?
- do nothing and get the same results (ie I hate Monday), OR
- do something different and actually look forward to every new day
If the thought of anything or anyone in your life makes you hate, moan, feel sad, angry or negative in any way then now is the time to change this.
I’ve been there; I took action; things got better.
And I keep measuring everything going forward to ensure that nothing saps my time, energy or confidence.
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