
We all have a story which someone
somewhere needs to hear.

Get Some Focus

We all have a story which someone
somewhere needs to hear.


Who needs a mentor? Not me, I’ll suss it all out for myself I thought.

What even is a ‘mentor’; is this like a coach? No a mentor is someone who challenges you and guides you; instant results are not on the menu. A ‘coach’ tells you how to do things immediately whereas a mentor is a higher level of guidance with longer term results.

I sometimes wish I’d had a mentor to help me with my struggles in life however the fact that I have overcome huge challenges in my life then puts me in a great place to help others now. That being said, I didn’t do it alone, I sought help. If you look at anyone ‘successful’, from business tycoons, to movie stars, celebrities, athletes and politicians – they ALL have a team of people behind them (or by their side) who support and guide them to ensure they maintain their success. They have all had mentors.

Some would say the best way to learn is to ‘do’, to ‘experience’ and then ‘know’. But we don’t have all the answers and often we can become stuck, feel lost, frustrated and confused.

Your path to your goals is far smoother and quicker with a ‘guide’. Someone who can empathise with you and can support, challenge and guide you.

From business coaching to lifestyle coaching – I’ve come from an unfit, out of shape corporate rat race boy to a fitter happier content and present version of me. I can help you achieve this too.

Motivational Speaker

I used to hate speaking; in that I mean I hated public speaking and I avoided it all the way up to being aged 33. In reality though, what I was avoiding was the deep-seated reasons why I feared it.

Quick questions:

  1. Are you the life & soul of the party but then wouldn’t dream of being on an actual stage? And when I say ‘on stage’ all I mean is just having a chat because thats all public speaking really is.
  2. Do you need alcohol or drugs to become the version of ‘you’ that you think you need to be?
  3. Are you actually happy with the life you have? The life that YOU have created.

I asked myself these very same questions aged 33 and my answers were Yes, Yes and No.

I then started a journey which I didn’t even know where it would take me but I knew I didn’t like where I was anymore. Being a motivational speaker was not part of the plan!

In late 2009 I made some excellent decisions and took some action which dramatically changed my life for the better. It certainly wasn’t an overnight fix and it’s been tough at times, joyous at times, average at times and also made me feel scared and vulnerable at times. However, change is painful and uncomfortable; we get through it and get to a better place; this is the cycle of growth, learning and being the best version of you everyday.

Rough seas make better sailors and all that.

So my story of change and bettering myself led to people asking me how I did it, commenting on my new found happiness, opening up themselves about their own struggles and asking me for guidance or support. This ultimately led me onto the stage to tell my inspiring story so far…………….


I thought I knew it all; I’d worked for other companies for 16 years, as a Middle Manager for the last 8 years so surely I knew it all.

Being an ‘entrepreneur’ never crossed my mind, I couldn’t even spell it (still can’t, had to Google it!). I had simply become unhappy working for someone else; the big corporate world had sucked the life out of me. So I decided to re-ignite my passion for asbestos and protecting people; I decided to take a risk.

If you Google ‘entrepreneur’ you will find:

“a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit”

In the hope of profit! Which is pretty much what I did at first – I ‘hoped’. I knew that I had the technical skills and the expert theory knowledge so I naively thought the rest would take care of itself and I would learn on the job; how hard can it really be to run a business.

Well it’s easy to be an entrepreneur; absolutely anyone can be one. But not everyone has it in them to be a successful one by establishing a business which provides the golden ticket of time and money freedom.

Us entrepreneurs must be passionate about what we do in how we serve and the problems we solve for people. We must have faith, we must be absolutely committed, we must be risk takers, be visionaries, be optimistic, be positive, be hard workers, be adaptable to change and be willing to make sacrifices that most normal people wouldn’t. And we must have a plan.

I will help you become a successful entrepreneur.


Being a Dad is magic, there is no other feeling that can compare with the love you feel for your kids.

I always felt too selfish to have kids; I was too busy being large and in charge of my party-boy ways. Until I grew up and realised there’s more to life than getting blind drunk every weekend; there’s more to life than the hustle of work and building a career or a business.

I’m the proud father of two wonderful daughters. Our family unit, with my wife, is the best thing I have ever created. Being a Dad is a constant learning for me too; it makes you reflect on your own actions and attitudes, then refine and tweak as required in the hope that you are being your best every day to bring up the youngsters and free them into the world as confident, kind, honest, positive, educated, charming beautiful people.

Being a great Dad is effortless in a lot of areas yet takes great effort in others. Being aware, forever learning and improving makes you a better person in every area of your life.

Motivational Speaking

I pride myself in offering an entertaining, thought provoking and inspiring talk to help people better their own lives.
But don’t just take my word for it, here are some comments from other people.

Washington Mind

I invited Gary along to our Sunderland Health Champions celebration event in December 2017 as our guest speaker. His passion shone through and everyone in the room left feeling inspired from the events of Gary’s life. It was a great talk and I would recommend Gary to...

Laura Jane Forbes – Senior Fundraiser Willow Burn Hospice

I invited Gary McKendrick to speak at FRESH Networking. Gary was engaging and inspiring and the audience were captured by his honest account of his past. The attendees left with the tools to manage their time better and to kick start their business for new financial...

Carolyn Weaver – Volunteer – Robin Lane Health and Wellbeing Centre

Gary very kindly offered to come and speak to a group that I help organise - Pudsey Adults with Time to Spare (PATS). I suspect that we are not his usual target audience (mainly aged 60 plus and mostly women). Gary told us his story in a refreshingly direct, engaging...

East Lancashire IOSH District and East Lancashire Safety Group

Gary delivered a thought provoking presentation on his approach to life in general told from a very personal perspective. Gary’s story was an inspiration and his message described just how important the choices we make in life can affect not just our working life but...

Whole in 1 Golf Ltd

“Gary’s passion for his subject matter linked with real life experience is both refreshing and thought provoking. Find some time to see Gary in action, you will not be disappointed”. Dennis Chadwick-Rayner Whole in 1 Golf Ltd

Department for Work and Pensions

"While attending the Sunderland Health Champions Awards in December 2017, I was fortunate to hear an inspiring and motivational talk from guest speaker, Gary McKendrick. Having not attended such a talk before, I was sceptical of how beneficial it would be. However,...

Why me?

This is a great question! Why me, for essentially just having a chat to a room of strangers!

What I have to offer is my story, which inspires people to review their own lives and make changes to improve areas which are poor or average at best. Be it health, wealth, love, family, friends, work, contribution, fun or adventure.

We all want and deserve to be ‘happy’ yet many people either don’t know what makes them happy or just settle for whatever life they have created for themselves or even worse, allowed others to create for them. Being stuck in a rut of life but a rut which feels very safe and comfortable. And us humans generally like to feel safe and don’t embrace change easily.

I’m here to tell people that change is your best friend, its your ticket to a better place. Once you make that choice. I have learnt through solving my own problems and dealing with failures in a positive way. People then started to ask me what I was doing differently, what’s the secret? Well there is no secret, Nike have been telling us for years, you need to “Just do it”. But how do we just do it……..

Let me entertain you, educate you and inspire you with my story of how to just do it.

What Else I Do

As an Asbestos Consultant since 1994, my main business is Omega and I am also on the management committee of NORAC.

Protecting people and improving industry standards.  

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Join my mailing list today and receive your Free copy of Get Some Focus!
A compilation of tools, tips and strategies that I use to keep me on point.

To help you measure where you are, focus on what you want and take the action to get it.
Never under-estimate yourself.
I've been lost, frustrated and overwhelmed with a lack of happiness and progress.
I've developed a system that I use to keep me on-point.

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Join my mailing list today and receive your Free copy of Get Some Focus!
A compilation of tools, tips and strategies that I use to keep me on point.

To help you measure where you are, focus on what you want and take the action to get it.
Never under-estimate yourself.
I've been lost, frustrated and overwhelmed with a lack of happiness and progress.
I've developed a system that I use to keep me on-point.

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Join my mailing list today and receive your Free copy of Get Some Focus!A compilation of tools, tips and strategies that I use to keep me on point.

Join my mailing list today and receive your Free copy of Get Some Focus!
A compilation of tools, tips and strategies that I use to keep me on point.

To help you measure where you are, focus on what you want and take the action to get it.
Never under-estimate yourself.
I've been lost, frustrated and overwhelmed with a lack of happiness and progress.
I've developed a system that I use to keep me on-point.

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